Tech blog home of developer Martin Dwyer.

  • Design effective applications with flow charts, system diagrams, class diagrams and more.
  • Develop efficient goal-oriented systems with object-oriented engineering.
  • Deploy applications to a wide-range of technologies.
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Design | Develop | Deploy

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Scratch, Inheritance, or Composition?

When approaching a software project, the developer must determine the most appropriate method of development. This involves many choices,including what objects are relevant, the classes for those objects, and whether to code those classes from scratch, or to utilize object-oriented techniques like inheritance or composition … read more

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Ethics in Software Testing

Software failure is a common event with far reaching consequences. After a comprehensive examination of English language news sources for the year 2017, software testing company Tricentis found 606 software failures reported by 314 companies, impacting 3.7 billion people, costing $1.7 trillion dollars (Tricentis, 2017). The ethical and non-ethical implications of these failures are far reaching. … read more

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Exceptions: Catch or Throw?

Whenever a method could result in a processing exception, the method can either (a) catch the exception and handle it within, or (b) throw the exception back to the source that called the method in the first place. This is known generally as the catch-or-throw rule. Handling exceptions correctly is vital to the construction of a robust software system … … read more

About Martin

martin Martin’s exposure to software development began in 1979 when a Physics teacher introduced a Tandy TRS-80 with 48kb of RAM and a cassette tape drive. As he watched the computer crunch numbers, he was hooked. His programming experience has evolved from beginnings of archaic languages like Basic, Fortran and Cobol to modern languages including C, C++, Java, Python, Node.js and C# as well as broad expertise in HTML and CSS for web development.

During college, he worked as an assistant in the computer center. He also mastered the statistical packages SPSS and SAS and provided computing services for various academic departments including economics, psychology and health sciences.

Professionally, he spent 25 years in the banking industry, the beginning of which was focused heavily on operations and computing. He spent over ten years in senior leadership of Fortune 100 companies. Martin has his Masters degree in Information Technology with emphasis in Software Engineering.

Education and training has always been a focus for Martin. In addition to running MD Web Technologies he also tutors and mentors software development students regularly at the collegiate level.